Pocatello Campus
Harvest Church Idaho
Pocatello Campus is located at:
1100 Booth Drive
Pocatello, Idaho 83201
Harvest Church is dedicated to seeing families grow in God. We are a Non-Denomination Christian Church focused on preaching the gospel to the world.
Harvest Church was birthed in Pocatello, Idaho in 2002. Since then, God has opened doors and moved mountains to bring what we know today as a thriving church; reaching far beyond the borders of Eastern Idaho impacting the world for Jesus Christ.
Harvest believes there is more to church than just attending a service every week. It's about growing spiritually, getting involved, serving the needs around you and building meaningful relationships. It's about GETTING CONNECTED!
R.E.E.L. Connections is our mission to encourage each others to grow in God. Connect Classes help us to answer those important questions of Belonging, Growing, Discovering and Connecting.
Copyright © Harvest Church .